
Invoicing & Payment Tracking System
Invoicing and Payment Tracking System Generate Invoice s from your bookings and track Customer payments with Hallmaster’s Invoicing module Note: This is a tool for requesting and tracking payments from your customers and is NOT a standalone accounting package Contact us about integrating Hallmaster Invoices with your own Accounting system To setup your Invoicing module, p lease make sure you have already done the following: 1. Go to Admin > Hire Charges these are different rates that you can set for your rooms or facilities . eg. Standard Rate, Regular Users/Discounted Rate etc. Each rate can be applied to your customers, depending on what activity they do. eg Jenny Smith is charged the Regular Users Rate for her Pilates class but the Standard Rate for a Meeting. Remember you do not need to setup an individual hire charge for every room, each hire charge will already have an entry in each room. These charges are used to au tomatically calculate the room hire rate for the time used by a customer and activity. 2. Admin > Line Items these are additional items for hire eg tables, chairs, alcohol licence etc. and can be added to a booking or invoice . You can set whether a line item is available for customers to choose using the ‘Display in public booking form’ tickbox. If you require your customers to have added a particular item for their bookings, you can set any line items as ‘Required’ . Deposits, Refunds and Discounts: Deposits can be entered via the Line Items. Just set up a Line Item Group called Admin fees and the n add a line item called Deposit and enter the cost. If the cost varies, just enter 1 as this can be entered when creating the invoice. To add a Deposit Refund or a Discount, simply put in a minus figure . 3. Customers you will need to have linked your customers to the correct price rates, which you can do from the Customers > Edit Customer menu. 4. Admin > Email Configuration in this section you can setup your Primary Invoicing Email and customise your Invoicing email templates. More detailed instructions are available on this page in the Instructions tab.
Invoicing Settings To setup your venue ready to create invoices, first go to the Admin > Invoicing Settings page. On this page you can enter the address of the venue, which will appear at the top of each invoice document, as well as an optional Invoicing Logo which will appear next to the address. (Note: The ideal size for the logo is in a 2:1 aspect ratio, we have found a resolution of 600*300 pixels gives the best results. Please only upload a .jpg file. ) Invoicing and Statement Signature Th ese box es will let you enter any text you want to appear at the foot of all of your invoice or statement documents sent from Hallmaster. This is useful for adding things like bank details and payment instructions. You can enter 7 lines of plain text in each box. Invoice Prefix and Invoice Start Number If using the Invoicing, these will appear automatically on your invoices. The number will increment each time you create a new invoice and can be reset whenever you want. Example: HM 2019 1, HM 2019 2 etc. Please n ote that an invoice number (including the prefix) cannot be more than 20 characters long. Document Themes each of your documents can have it’s own colour theme, which you can select using the dropdown menus. Use the Eye icon to see a preview of the theme you are selecting. If your venue is VAT rated, then you can tick the ‘Tax Rated’ box to enable this and add your venues tax rates. Either way there will always be a default ‘No Tax 0%’ rate, which cannot be removed. If the ‘Tax Rated’ box is unticked, then tax values will be hidden from all invoices, regardless of if they have a tax rate assigned to them. Use the ‘Add Tax Rate’ button to add more tax rates, which you can assign to your customers later as needed. If you are using the Accounting Integration module, then you will see a section for nominal codes, which we cover in the Accounting Integration document, available from your Dashboard. If you are interested in using this additional module, please Contact Us. Finally, you will see a section for Break Points. This section is optional, and you only need to fill this in if you are going to be sending statements and reminders to your customers. Break points are used to split out your statements and reminders by how many days overdue each invoice is. Each breakpoint can have its own theme and custom message to display on the document when sending a reminder. A breakdown of each break point will be shown on the bottom of any statements sent out.
Create a New Invoice Once the previous section is complete , you can create your invoices. Go to the Bookings screen and click on the Invoicing icon to the right of the booking you want to invoice . From this menu you can view any existing invoices already against this booking. If there are any other bookings for this customer that have not yet been invoiced, a blue message will appear allowing you to select which years’ bookings you want to view and select for this new invoice. Click on the Create New Invoice button. 1. Enter the invoice number or reference if it isn’t auto generated , a nd any additional information (eg PO numbers etc) 2. Se lect the date for the invoice. This defaults to the current date but can be set to any date . 3. Enter a payment term as a number of days this field controls how many days after being generated an invoice can remain unpaid before it is flagged as ‘Overdue’. 4. Select a billing address from the options setup in the Customer profile (see documentation on Customer Management) . Y ou can also freely edit the address here if needed . 5. You can use the blue tick box to view all uninvoiced bookings for this customer, which can then also be added to this invoice . 6. Tick the dates you want included in this invoice. As you tick the date(s) the invoice will automatically calculate the time used for the rooms against the set rate for the customer and their activity. If you want to add an entire month s bookings, you can use the tick box next to the month name. You can manually change the costs here if necessary . 7. Any additional Line Items selected in the booking will be included and i f required, select any others from the drop menu and enter the quantity. 8. If you have entered and assigned a tax for this booking, the tax will be automatically applied at this point. 9. Finally enter any comments. These will appear on the invoice document 10. Click Save or Save and Send Email. The Customer and relevant admins (see 4b on the previous page ) will receive a PDF copy of the Invoice. The customer can then log in to their own account and view their bookings, invoices, outstanding amounts and payment s . 11. If enabled, your Customers can pay you directly using the Pay P al integration module . Contact us for details. If you have made a mistake or no longer need an item, simply untick a date to remove it from the invoice. The Total automatically updates each time an item is added or removed .
Tax Rates Each charge on your invoices (hire charges and line items) will have their own tax rate (as you setup previously). This may be 0% tax if you are not VAT rated for example. Invoices will keep these tax rates the same even if the original booking, customer or line item is modified, so historical invoices won’t be affected should you change your tax rates. NOTE: Invoices are linked to the assigned tax rates, so if you edit the tax rate itself then historical invoices WILL change. If you want to update your tax values without affecting existing invoice s , then this needs to be added as a new tax rate. Search , Amend and Delete Invoice s From the Invoicing menu, y ou can click on the column headers to sort ascending and descending, or you can select from any of the other available lists. You can a lso use the spyglass icon to search for specific invoices etc . Use the icons to the far right of the grid to Edit, Dow n load or D elete an invoice using the red dustbin icon. If this invoice has booking dates against it, you will be prompted to remove them first. Likewise if this invoice has payments against it you will be prompted to remove these too. Please note once an invoice has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved and you may need to reset your invoice start number to re sync the counter . Payment Tracking There are two ways to add payments against your invoices, listed below. Through the Invoicing menu: Using the colour codes, you can quickly see if an invoice is awaiting payment, has been partially paid or has been paid. To enter your payment, click on the Payment icon to the right of the relevant invoice and select the type of payment from the drop menu, the amount and payment date and click the Add button. You will see the amounts above will update automatically. Each time you click on the Add button, the payment is automatically saved. If you make a mistake, just remove the payment by clicking on the red dustbin icon . Through the Payments menu: Here you will see a list of every customer with one or more outstanding invoices . When you receive a payment from a customer, press the Payment icon to start allocating the payment. From this menu you will see each outstanding invoice for this customer, along with a form for the payment details. Enter the payment details and press Load Payment this will then show a set of fields for you to allocate parts of this payment to each invoice. Once you have allocated the full payment, press the Save button to commit the values you have entered.
Automatically raise an invoice when booking is requested Hallmaster can be configured to automatically invoice new bookings when they are requested by your customers. When combined with the Stripe/Paypal modules, this can form a fully automated book and pay system where your customers’ bookings are automatically confirmed once they have paid. This is enabled per Hire Charge to enable this, go to the Admin > Charges Matrix menu and press the ‘Manage Hire Charges…’ button. When creating or editing a hire charge, you will see a tick box to set whether this bookings using this price rate should be automatically invoiced when requested. Please note this only applies to single booking requests recurring booking series will still need to be manually invoiced. Bulk Generate Invoices Invoices can be generated in bulk from the Invoicing page using the ‘Bulk Generate’ button. This will take you to a page with options to select the date range of bookings you want to invoice for example if you invoice monthly, then you could select the date range for the previous month. This will load the list of customers with uninvoiced bookings within that date range, each with a tickbox for you to specify which customers you want to invoice you can also ‘Select All’ to invoice every customer with relevant bookings. Once selected, you can either just generate the invoices to manually check later, or press the ‘Generate and send’ button to automatically send each invoice to the customer straight away . Bulk Send Invoices Unsent invoices can be sent out in bulk from the Invoicing page using the ‘Bulk Send’ button. This will take you to a page with options to select the date range of Invoices you want to send out. This will load the list of unsent invoices that were raised within your date range, each with a tickbox for you to specify which invoices you want to send. Once selected, you can press the ‘Send’ button to send the invoices out, or press the ‘Mark as Sent’ button to mark the invoices as sent without actually sending them out (this can be useful if you download the invoices and send them out separately to Hall master for example). Sent invoices are marked with a green ‘Paper plane’ icon in the Invoicing grid. Unsent invoices will have a grey icon instead.
Receipts When you create a payment, you will be given the option to issue a receipt for it. You can also issue receipts for any payments you have received by going through the Receipts menu on the left. From here you will see a list of your customers that have made payments, which you can then expand to select the payment you want to issue a receipt for. You can either download the receipt as a PDF using the download icon, or email the receipt directly to the customer. If you are emailing the receipt, make sure you select the correct email address to send to using the dropdown menu. You can add any CC’s to the message using the ‘Add CC’ button if you want to add multiple CC’s, separate them with a comma. Press the ‘Sen d’ button to email the receipt to these recipients. Any invoicing admins (or the primary invoice email if setup) will automatically receive this email too.